Life Group


At this point, we hope that you have been able to visit one of our services or special events. You have probably met several Christians. Perhaps, you've been introduced to the gospel (good news) about who Jesus Christ is and why he lived on earth.

We would love to see you connect to "the gospel" and other Christians in a deeper way. If you want to know what we mean when we say "the gospel", you can watch this short video about it. But we would rather grab a coffee with you and discuss the central message of Christianity­­, the gospel, with you in person. If you would like to meet with one of our pastors, contact us with a day & time that works in your diary.

The other way to connect with Christians in a more intimate way is by visiting one of our life groups. "Life Groups" are smaller groups within our church that meet in someone's home during the week. These groups will often share a meal together, talk about the sermon on Sunday, share with one another what's going in life, and pray for one another. If you visit a life group, you should feel free to join in on the discussion or just hang out and observe. Our "Life Groups" page has details on where and when our various life groups meet. If you would to visit a life group, please get in touch.

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