Life Group

Life Groups

At REC, we desire to be a community that reflects Jesus. This means we want to be a community that is consistently encouraging and challenging one another to live like Jesus. Life Groups provide a regular time each week for smaller groups (about 8 – 12 people) within the church at different homes to learn about the Bible, encourage one another, and pray together.

In the New Testament you will find the various authors frequently urging churches to share the trials and joys of life with "one another": love one another (Rom 13:8); serve one another (Ga 5:13); forgive one another (Col 3:13); confess sins with one another (Jas 5:13); bear one another's burdens (Gal 6:2); encourage one another (1 Th 5:11); speak truth to one another (Eph 4:11). This is exactly why our life groups exist—to grow into the image of Jesus by living the Christian life with "one another".

We have a life group on most evenings during the week as well as a daytime group for those who aren't able to come out in the evening. Some groups meet every week and other groups meet every other week.

If you are interested in visiting a life group, please contact the church office and we will be glad to connect you with one of our life group leaders.


Central Group #1

Leaders: Graham & Ruth Robinson

Time: Mondays at 7:30pm

Central Group #2

Leaders: Nick & Claire Lovell

Time: Mondays at 6:30pm

Central Group #3

Leaders: David & Jane Harvey

Time: Fridays at 10:30am

Aston Group #1

Leaders: Ji Pattison-Smith & Jane Jones

Time: Thursdays at 7pm

Treeton Group #1

Leaders: Elliot & Gillian Hyliger

Time: Mondays at 6pm

Wath Group #1

Leaders: Ben & Libby Keen

Time: Wednesdays at 7pm